Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Good Boys

I had to take the dog to the vet this morning. That means I had to take the boys to the vet too while mommy was at work and Abbie was at preschool.

Taking the boys and the dog is a little like having all three kids at once. They whine. They all run in different directions. They smell bad. Fortunately, one of them (the dog) wore a leash.

I brought everyone into the examination room. The dog panicked, hopping on me and panting like she was hyperventilating. The boys, who are known for hopping on things two, climbed onto a bench in the examination room and sat. While the vet poked and prodded the dog, the boys stayed seated, rising only briefly when they noticed the “Dog Breeds of the World” poster behind them.

The boys were amazing well-behaved during the examination. I assumed I’d have to chase them around the room, preventing them from breaking expensive examination equipment. Instead they sat quietly and soaked in the surroundings, possibly because they sensed the jar of lollipops sitting in the waiting room.

For a minute I thought I had the best behaved boys in the world. Then we opened the door after the examination, and the boys scrambled to race the dog out of the examination room. It was nice while it lasted, but as I struggled to keep the boys corralled in the parking lot, I wished I had three leashes with me.


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