Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Monday, January 28, 2008

Otherwise, They Were Perfect Angels

What the Kids Did to Get in Trouble Today:

- The usual hitting, biting, and scratching.
- Ian dumped his bowl of cereal on the floor.
- Someone broke Abbie’s beloved Dora soap dispenser.
- Tory dumped a box of cereal on the floor.
- Someone sucked dry a new tube of toddler toothpaste.
- Ian threw a soap bottle in the toilet
- The boys climbed a chair to grab a biscuit off a tray fresh from the oven
- Undeterred, the boys pulled another chair up to the stove to get a biscuit.
- Abbie threw a cup full of Kool-Aid.
- The boys dismantled the humidifier.
- Ian threw his cow blanket in the toilet.
- Tory unrolled a roll of toilet paper.
- Abbie ate no prepared meals, preferring to roam the house with large bowls of snacks instead.
- Ian removed his diaper and peed on the area rug.
- Abbie insisted on “one more thing” several times before bed.


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