Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Monday, April 14, 2008

Poop Disaster

At birth, a poop disaster meant a diaper leaked. In my sleep-deprived state, it seemed like a tragedy, but in retrospect it’s no big deal. Clean him up, change an outfit, and maybe change some bedding, and he’s good to dispose of another meal.

Starting around 18 months, poop disasters became more catastrophic. That’s when the children started removing their diapers after pooping. Even though the diaper held its contents perfectly well, it hit the floor and the kids could wreck plenty of havoc from this position. Maybe they’d sit. Maybe they’d play with the poop like Play-Doh. Maybe they’d step in the poop and track it through the house. My kids did them all, so I know they’re each a pain to clean in their own way.

At age 29-months, Tory found a new way to make a poopy mess this morning. He pooped in his bedroom, removed his underwear, and pushed one of his trucks through the poop while rolling it out to the kitchen. This mess was similar to the “stepped in” mess, but instead of Tory leaving a poopy footprint every several inches, he left a poopy skid mark. This skid mark stretched for many feet from carpet to hardwood* floor. It required different techniques to clean each section, and made a long thin stain that’s a pain to clean with the circular head on my Spot Bot. I stayed busy cleaning it for half an hour this morning, all the while I watched Ian like a hawk.

I’m a little scared of what the next poop disaster will bring.

* Or at least laminate.


  • Ummm...not to be picky, but aren't the boys 29 months old?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:04 PM  

  • Let's see, the boys are five months past their second birthday. 2+5=25, so they'd be 25 months.

    Whoops. That's what I get for trying to do math around midnight.

    By Blogger Matt, at 11:33 PM  

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