Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Monday, February 11, 2008

Hi! My name is ... what?

We teach the children anatomically correct terminology. Arm. Foot. Vagina. It's all in their repertoire. Someday, most likely in a store, we may regret not teaching them more delicate terminology to describe the human body. For now, the biggest problem is when Abbie counts her brothers’ penises during bath time.

As I changed the boys’ diapers tonight, we worked on names. The boys know their names, but they don’t say their names when asked. When I ask, “What’s your name?” their response is usually a blank stare. At best they point at me and say “Daddy!”

I worked on Tory while asking for his name. He repeated, “What’s your name?” back to me. We continued the echo chamber until I removed his diaper. Ian saw the body part and announced “A penis!”

“Yes, that’s a penis,” I said to reinforce his anatomical knowledge. “But that’s not his name,” I continued. “What’s your name?”

“A penis!” came the response.

Uh oh.

Tory continued the call and response solo for a few rounds. “What’s your name? A penis!” he conversed with himself. I tried asking for his name to break the pattern, but each time one or both of the boys would answer “A penis!”

I did my best not to laugh to avoid reinforcing their answer, and I called for mommy. She rushed to the room thinking something might be wrong, and was relieved when I started asking the boys “What’s your name?”

“What’s your name?” they repeated back to me.

After a few rounds back in the echo chamber, I gave up and explained to mommy what had happened. This time I spelled out the key word to avoid reminding the boys of what had happened. I don’t mind if they call a penis a penis. When they call each other a penis, we’ll have problems.


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