Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Almost Birthday

Abbie’s birthday is in three days. Her party is in four days. But her preschool birthday was today.

Abbie’s preschool had to celebrate her birthday a little early to fit it into their calendar year. Tomorrow is her final day of preschool until fall. Since the last day of school is filled with goodbyes, special events, and extensive cleaning of personal spaces, they celebrated her birthday on the penultimate day of school.

My birthday is in August, so I’m used to celebrating school birthdays at odd times. In one of my early years, my parents sent me to school with a bag of Snickers to celebrate my half-birthday. When I approached the teacher she told me they weren’t going to hold a birthday party for me when it wasn’t my birthday. So I got to eat an entire bag of Snickers after school. Happy half-birthday to me. As I aged I learned to keep my mouth shut even on those rare occasions when my birthday fell early in the school year lest someone discover it’s my birthday and make an embarrassing fuss.

As an almost-four-year-old, Abbie loves it when people make an embarrassing fuss over her, so we’re celebrating her birthday with all candles lit. My part of the preschool party was to send her to school with a bag of cookies. The cookies were of course prepackaged, eliminating the possibility of dangerous entering the school. The children ate these cookies during snacktime in addition to their regular snack. The school then sent the rest of the cookies back to me along with a well-fed Abbie.

I don’t know what else the school did for her. All I know is she walked off the bus wearing a crown that said “Happy Birthday Abbie!” She also wore a huge smile, so the fuss made must have been adequately embarrassing.


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