Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Monday, May 26, 2008


I always give the kids a choice of shirts to wear in the morning. Getting ready for the day is demanding, and giving them a choice of clothes gives them a little control over it even if the choice is nothing more than stripes or solids. Plus we’re working on decision making skills, and hopefully hastening the day when the kids will decide to get ready in the morning without me yelling reminders at them every 90 seconds.

I asked Tory, “Do you want to wear the orange striped shirt, or the cat shirt?”

“I want the rhino shirt!” he replied.

The danger of giving them a choice between option A and option B is sometimes they choose option C. I limit their choices to speed the selection process, but the boys’ object permanence is in full effect, and they remember favorite shirts even when they’re out of sight. For some reason, Tory has designated this blue shirt with a rhino silhouette his favorite.

I didn’t know where the rhino shirt was, or even if it was clean, so I tried to direct him to the choices literally at hand. When he insisted on the rhino shirt, I slipped the cat shirt on him thinking maybe this animal was just as good. His flailings as I forced his hands through the armholes informed me this was not an acceptable substitute.

I went back to his room to find the rhino shirt. Fortunately it was clean. Naturally it was at the top of the clean clothes since a quality shirt like that wasn’t going to spend much time in storage.

He giggled as I slipped it over his head. I sighed in relief that I had at least averted one tantrum for the day.

An hour later I removed his rhino shirt. He had smeared poop on it in a stealth diaper removal maneuver. We’ll both be happy to see it clean again.


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