Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Sunday, January 15, 2006

My Drug Problem

My mother is staying with us for a few days to help with our home’s sudden youth movement. She looked at our mess, our two screaming babies and occasionally screaming toddler, and decided we needed a night out alone. Last night we set the twins down for their nap, gave my mother the necessary supplies for Abbie’s supper, and set out to eat in a restaurant. We thought it might be 18 years before we eat in another restaurant, so this was a big deal for us. Ellie’s desire for broasted chicken led us to the best (only) broasted chicken in town, a bar that I previously blogged about. I made a tragic mistake with our meals this time though; a mistake that I’m still paying for. I ordered a Diet Coke. Not only did I drink my Diet Coke, but I also drank my refill.

I don’t ingest much caffeine. I hate the taste coffee, so there goes the biggest source of caffeine. I mostly quit drinking pop* a few years ago, though not because of the caffeine or some other health reason; I’m just too cheap to spend money on it, especially when water is still free. I still enjoy an occasional ounce or 20 of pop, which is what I did yesterday afternoon. Ellie has access to 20-ounce bottles in the hospital, and brought one home for me. I indulged in it without giving much thought to the caffeine building inside of me without going anywhere like so many “Lost” plot lines.

When we went out to eat, I ordered my ill-fated Diet Coke. Normally I just order water in a restaurant, but there are limits to my cheapness; I can’t bring myself to be the guy who goes to a bar and drinks nothing but water, so give me a tall frosty glass of Diet Coke. Our food was agonizingly slow to arrive, and I’d downed my initial glass by the time it came. By the time I’d finished my food, I’d mostly downed my refill as well.

I spent the next several hours buzzed from the few dozen ounces of cola I’d recently consumed. When it came time to put the twins down for the night, I fed them, set them down, laid myself down, and stared at the ceiling. Normally I’m pretty good about dozing off as soon as they do, but last night all I could do was wonder how many times per minute my fingers were shaking, and whether that pace was quicker or slower than the pace from five minutes ago.

I lay awake for over two hours. When Ellie rose to pump, I went with her. While she discharged, I quizzed her about medical drug trials, figuring that was a good way to put myself to sleep. By the time I returned to bed, I knew the twins would get back up any minute, so that kept me awake until they did wake almost an hour later.

I’m pretty sleepy right now and ready for as good a night’s sleep as the twins will let me have. I have to remember to limit my future daily caffeine intake. Fortunately I probably won’t be visiting any more restaurants any time soon.

* “Pop” is what we call it in Des Moines. It’s also known as “soda,” “soda pop,” “cola,” “Coke,” or “tasty carbonated beverage” depending on your geographic location.


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