Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Really Going Solo

Ellie officially returned to work yesterday. That means I officially returned to work yesterday too. No more lollygagging through the day with a plush 1.5:1 child-to-adult ratio, it’s now all me all day for all three kids. Except for when Ellie comes home for the day. I also get help when Ellie comes home to pump in the middle of the day, but she’s not exactly in prime parenting position while pumping.

Just like when Ellie was on call this weekend, I had things pretty easy during the day. The twins slept well when I wanted them to sleep, ate well when I wanted them to eat, and still can’t run away if I turn my back on them to see what Abbie has in her mouth. Abbie also made my day easier by not putting anything dangerous in her mouth, and by not breaking anything.* Ellie has the luxury of coming home twice during the day to pump, which is good if I need brief assistance with any pooh-related emergencies, plus it replenishes our milk supply. It also lets me check in with the Real World, and helps me discover as soon as possible that her first day back is still going fine.

Sadly, just like when Ellie was on call this weekend, we had things pretty rough during the overnight. My first clue things would be rough came around 8pm. Normally the 7-10pm stretch between their last regular feeding cycle of the day and their first overnight feeding at 10pm is more eventful than a weekend with Marcus Vick. That’s the twins’ fussy time; not that they’re difficult during that stretch, they’re just wide-awake and want to be held the whole time instead of sleeping in their crib. Last night though, I had to poke Tory to keep him awake. I finally gave up and set him in his crib at 8pm thinking he really needed the sleep. He stayed asleep until 10pm, at which point we fed them as normal and set them down for the night.

Two-and-a-half hours later, a full 30-minutes before their minimum gap between feedings, Tory was complaining and woke his brother up. We kept them content by holding and dozing for 30 minutes, fed them as normal, and set them down for the night. Two-and-a-half hours later, they were up again. We held and dozed and counted the minutes we’d slept so far that night for another 30 minutes, fed them, and set them down hopefully until I woke them for breakfast.

As you might guess, they were complaining two-and-a-half hours later, but they woke up long before that. Two hours after their previous feeding, they were awake and started demanding breakfast. I couldn’t drag myself up an hour early, so I held and dozed for an entire hour.

I estimate I slept for three to four hours last night. I snuck in a couple naps during the day when Ellie came home to pump, proving that I can do something productive while she’s occupied. Poor Ellie didn’t have the luxury of mid-day naps. She was so bedraggled, a co-worker asked if she had a busy night of call last night. She could only wish.

* At least, nothing that I’ve discovered.


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