Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Not-so-Great Expectations

I woke up last night to feed the twins when something strange happened. Actually I woke up twice to feed the twins last night, which isn’t too bad. They went four hours between feedings last night, giving me a chance to achieve a functional amount of sleep for the night. I was expecting closer to two hours between feedings since that’s what Abbie gave us at first. My philosophy of “keep your expectations low and you won’t be disappointed” serves me well.

The strange thing I mentioned was during the 1:30am feeding. A few sucks into Tory’s, or possibly Ian’s bottle, I heard Abbie cry. I knew Abbie would wake up sometime while I was occupied feeding someone, I just hoped it wouldn’t happen on night #2.

She cried for a minute, and quieted down. Since I was busy feeding a child with the muscle control of an exceptionally lazy beanbag chair, I let her go, figured she had a nightmare, and fell back asleep.

A few minutes later, she cried for another minute before quieting down. That’s when I thought something might be wrong, but Mr. Sack of Rocks was still sucking on his bottle, so I let her go again.

After putting Ian, or possibly Tory down, I was cleaning up after their feeding when I heard her cry again. Lacking an excuse to ignore her, I barged into her room to calm her down. I hoped she had just dropped a stuffed animal and was very insistent on retrieving it, but I knew something was very wrong as soon as I took one whiff.

You experienced parents may think that a foul odor in the baby’s room is always poop related, but you’d be wrong. Her problem was from the opposite end, and I only wish she had a diaper in the way to contain the output.

Vomit was everywhere. It was on her pajamas, in her hair, and most distressingly all over her beloved stuffed animals. Everything she had eaten since supper came back up in mostly recognizable form, like a reality TV show regurgitating the careers of celebrities, only her room was more appealing to look at but less appealing to smell.

I took Abbie out of her crib, stripped her down, and set to work cleaning. I was thoroughly dismayed that I had to sacrifice precious sleeping time cleaning up, but Abbie thought it was pretty cool to play with her toys while naked at 2am.

I made it back in time to sleep for several minutes before the twins woke back up. I’m short on sleep today, but otherwise doing well. Abbie is also doing well. I expected her to be sick today with a stomach bug, but she seems okay. The only remnants of the incident are a small loss of appetite and general crankiness, both of which may be tied to her loss of sleep. She could be a lot worse.

There’s those low expectations at work again.


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