"I have soy milk. The doctor says the real kind could kill me."
Disclaimer: Despite this post’s beginning, everyone is healthy and everything is fine.
Of all the substances that you don’t want to see come out of your newborn’s rear end,* blood has to be at the top of the list. I got to see this treat while changing Tory’s diaper yesterday. Having raised a newborn daughter with a healthy colon who now creates messes that require double-digit numbers of wipes to clean, I’m experienced at dealing with various discharges. Blood was a new one, though.
We immediately called the pediatrician. Like a tech support operator who needs to check the basic stuff first like verifying that your computer is plugged in, he started with basic questions. No we had not done anything to cause trauma to that region like inserting a thermometer, and no we had not fed him anything silly like cherry Jell-o. He quickly deducted that Tory must have developed an allergy to cow’s milk, and that was causing the bleeding.
Both kids eat breast milk right now, but the NICU had us spike their milk with powdered formula to up their caloric intake. It worked as they both added almost two pounds in three weeks, but now the bovine protein was wrecking havoc on their innards. After the diagnosis, I realized both were probably suffering from the allergy. Both grunted a lot. Ian especially kept his knees in the air most of the day. Both pooped their diapers after every feeding, or approximately 15,123 times daily. Then there was the blood thing.
The pediatrician gave us samples of a formula based on something other than cow’s milk or soy. Judging by the formula’s odor, I’m guessing goats are somehow involved. I realize that all formulas tend to waft a little eau dugout, but this formula seemed comprised of especially unkempt goat. Pulling off the can’s lid stunk up the kitchen. Judging from the twins’ reaction to the change, it also apparently disgustified the breast milk. Feeding our newborns suddenly turned from a magical experience as your dependent child suckles contentedly, to a maddening experience as your defiant child screams continuously.
The next day we spoke to the pediatrician again, who gave us the okay to give them straight breast milk. The catch is Ellie now must avoid the entire dairy food group in her diet. No more string cheese. No more Cheez-Its. No more Goldfish. I think milk might also be out, but she doesn’t drink much of that anyway.
Things have gone much better today. The kids seem happier. They’re pooping a sane number of times daily. The only substance coming from their rear ends is the standard substance you don’t want to see.
* There are, by the way, very few substances that you do want to see come out of your newborn’s rear end.
Of all the substances that you don’t want to see come out of your newborn’s rear end,* blood has to be at the top of the list. I got to see this treat while changing Tory’s diaper yesterday. Having raised a newborn daughter with a healthy colon who now creates messes that require double-digit numbers of wipes to clean, I’m experienced at dealing with various discharges. Blood was a new one, though.
We immediately called the pediatrician. Like a tech support operator who needs to check the basic stuff first like verifying that your computer is plugged in, he started with basic questions. No we had not done anything to cause trauma to that region like inserting a thermometer, and no we had not fed him anything silly like cherry Jell-o. He quickly deducted that Tory must have developed an allergy to cow’s milk, and that was causing the bleeding.
Both kids eat breast milk right now, but the NICU had us spike their milk with powdered formula to up their caloric intake. It worked as they both added almost two pounds in three weeks, but now the bovine protein was wrecking havoc on their innards. After the diagnosis, I realized both were probably suffering from the allergy. Both grunted a lot. Ian especially kept his knees in the air most of the day. Both pooped their diapers after every feeding, or approximately 15,123 times daily. Then there was the blood thing.
The pediatrician gave us samples of a formula based on something other than cow’s milk or soy. Judging by the formula’s odor, I’m guessing goats are somehow involved. I realize that all formulas tend to waft a little eau dugout, but this formula seemed comprised of especially unkempt goat. Pulling off the can’s lid stunk up the kitchen. Judging from the twins’ reaction to the change, it also apparently disgustified the breast milk. Feeding our newborns suddenly turned from a magical experience as your dependent child suckles contentedly, to a maddening experience as your defiant child screams continuously.
The next day we spoke to the pediatrician again, who gave us the okay to give them straight breast milk. The catch is Ellie now must avoid the entire dairy food group in her diet. No more string cheese. No more Cheez-Its. No more Goldfish. I think milk might also be out, but she doesn’t drink much of that anyway.
Things have gone much better today. The kids seem happier. They’re pooping a sane number of times daily. The only substance coming from their rear ends is the standard substance you don’t want to see.
* There are, by the way, very few substances that you do want to see come out of your newborn’s rear end.
Shortly after we got Brayden home, h began screaming for hours on end because of his stomach. My doctor told me I needed to go on a lactose free diet. When I went to the grocery store to buy a whole new pantry worth of food, I decided then and there to switch him to lactose free formula. I had VERY mixed emotions because I had planned on breast feeding until at least 6 months. I still regret it somewhat that I couldn't/wouldn't do the whole dairy free diet for him, but he's a happy baby overall. My hat's off to Ellie.
Amy, at 1:35 AM
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