Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Bring Your Children to Work Day

We dropped by to see mommy at work yesterday. I take the kids to see mommy at work fairly regularly. Everyone likes seeing each other. For the kids, it's a chance to connect with their mother and see what she does all day. For mommy, it's a reminder that no matter how many screamingly irate people she has to deal with, work is still quieter than home.

Mommy's coworkers know our kids fairly well because of these visits. They get to talk to the kids and discover who's broken what recently. They saw Tory after his leg went into a cast. They saw Ian after stitches went into his nose. They saw Abbie after she dislocated various appendages. Through these visits, her coworkers have discovered that our children have no regard for their personal safety, and I'm too overwhelmed to closely supervise them. And yet, they still haven't called protective services.

Abbie's Bump of the Day was a blow to her left eye. I didn't see what happened that morning and Abbie couldn't tell me through the screaming, but it involved a lot of sand on her face, and some bruising. I assumed that she fell off the swings.

When one of mommy's coworkers saw the bruise, he asked Abbie what happened.

"I fell off the house!" she said.

Everyone knew that Tory fell off the monkey bars when he broke his leg. Knowing that our children are climbers, they feared that Abbie had somehow climbed onto our roof and fallen to the ground. No, I assured them, she must have fallen off their playhouse. She's been climbing on that recently, and likely slipped and landed face-first in the sandlot. She only fell about four feet, not the ten feet from the roof to the ground.

Somehow that didn't sound much better. I may have to stop taking the kids in to see mommy when they have fresh scrapes because there's no way they're going to stop climbing and falling off of things.


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