Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Friday, May 18, 2007

Things They Didn't Cover During the Walkthrough

Now that I’m a homeowner, I have to figure out the nuances of the house. I expected some of these challenges. For example, I have to find all the electrical outlets and figure out what all the light switches control (I’m still working on this).

Other challenges are coming as a surprise. One giant vat of surprise is in the swimming pool. I’ve never owned a swimming pool, so all aspects of pool maintenance are new to me. I have to figure out where each pipe goes, what each piece of equipment does, and how to find the perfect chemical balance that kills all the baddies without singing off hair.

I found a new problem in the pool tonight in the form of a squirrel floating facedown in the middle. I could ferret the thing out, but what was I supposed to do with the body? The neighbors get mad when a little water drains into their yard, so chucking it over the fence seemed like a bad idea. I could leave it in the street and hope no one performed an autopsy.

Of course, I did the responsible thing and threw the carcass in the trash. At least I think that’s the responsible thing. I’m still trying to figure out this homeowner thing.


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