Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Friday, December 29, 2006

Going out

We'll be out of town this weekend, so no posts. I have too much to do tonight to pack, so no real post tonight either. Not even a picture or a top ten list. Why not? I can give you ten reasons why I need to get to bed now:

10. I’m already exhausted.
9. I have to be out the door early tomorrow.
8. It takes a long time to round up a weekend’s worth of Goldfish.
7. I still need to determine which toys are popular and portable.
6. I need to wash dishes.
5. Snow may be coming.
4. The dog needs a weekend’s worth of attention crammed into a couple minutes.
3. I’m still trying to count the number of ounces of milk three children can drink in a weekend.
2. The “Happy 2007” sign needs another coat of paint.
1. I need … hey, wait a minute…


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