Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Response to Amy's Comments

Because I'm too lazy to write comments for even my own blog...

Don't laugh, but there may be something to the idea that boys make easier babies than girls. That's been my experience so far, and my neighbors, the ones with eight children, say that all of their five boys were easier as babies than any of their three girls. Of course now those boys are old enough to get into trouble.

I can relate to your grocery problems. There's no way I'm leaving the house with all three kids, so I need Ellie home to watch at least one, preferably two children. Ellie works her share of Saturdays though, and my preferred grocery store is closed on Sunday, so I have to cram in the occasional weeknight grocery trip. When every night is somebody's bath night, that takes some planning to get all my shopping done in the allotted time.


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