Abbie & Ian & Tory Update

Friday, June 22, 2007


Moving to a new home can be traumatic for a child. They have to make new friends, learn a new telephone number, and adjust to sleeping in a new room. Fortunately, my kids are too young to have friends outside play dates, so that’s irrelevant. And their also too young to know phone numbers, although they all enjoy mashing buttons to see what happens.* That just leaves the sleeping part as the most likely opportunity for us to traumatize them with the move.

Abbie’s move should be less traumatic than her brothers’ move. She’s moving from our old home with one bedroom for three kids, to our new home with a separate bedroom for her.** Her sleep patterns are no longer the mercy of her brothers; the world revolves around her when she wants to sleep, which makes nap and bedtimes exactly like the rest of the day. When a brother wakes up ready to play at 6am, she can keep sleeping. When a brother screams his way through his nap, she can fall asleep. Best of all, when I close the boys’ bedroom door at night, she can use that opportunity to run through the house and delay her bedtime by a few extra minutes.

She can also decorate her room as she sees fit, without worry of how her male siblings will react to feminine surroundings. Of course, she’s still too young to choose most decorations, so mommy and I make most of those decisions. Also, I am a guy, so mommy essentially makes all the decorating decisions. We declared her room to be the pink one, which was a conclusion so obvious I could’ve made it. Then mommy added some feminine touches like sheer curtains, butterfly lights, and some other pretty things that I don’t remember off the top of my head, but I swear I’m not too oblivious to décor to overlook.

The boys’ décor is more sparse, or as I like to think of it, utilitarian. We can only do so much while moving all our stuff, and Abbie obviously gets priority as the firstborn. We gave them the room with the masculine blue-green walls. We installed a baseball themed ceiling fan complete with fan blades that will look like bats if we ever turn off the fan.

Otherwise, they’re on their own to decorate until we get the rest of the house settled. I’m sure someone will add a personal touch by putting a hole in the wall with a toy, or possibly a brother. The boys have already pried the air vent cover off the floor in their room and are using the exposed duct work as toy storage, so there’s a touch that’s personal, and a guy thing. Maybe Ellie will let me store a few of my old baseball cards behind the vent cover in our bedroom.

* Daddy gets upset.
** We could even give the boys separate bedrooms once they’re old enough to kick me out of the room I’m using as an office.


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